Plot 6: Parkside Building Design – Happen

The Vision

Happen is a city centre making space that allows people to collaborate, exchange ideas, innovate, make stuff and make a living. Whether working on a product idea or carrying out some DIY due to lack of space in their city centre home, this will be a productive, social space. The building accommodates the whole design and making process with ground floor supporting sales.

Internally, the new building contains a cafe, retail and exhibition space and ‘designers hub’ at ground floor, perhaps the FabLab Liverpool?  The upper 2 uppers floors offer creative and inspiring spaces for people to design & make their products and prepare them for market or simply build something they personally need.  Pods, sheds, studios and workshops are dotted around with places and spaces that assist the process of thinking and collaboration.  On the roof terrace, a landscaped, green space provides fresh air for fresh thoughts and ideas.

The Lookbook

lime street plot 6 look book

The Concept

lime street plot 6 happen

The Design Team

Parkside Building Design like finding solutions to problems, with uncomplicated, creative, cost-considerate design decisions.  With a wealth of experience in architectural design, project and construction management, Parkside ultimately endeavour to create feel-good buildings and happy clients.

See the next Lime Street Plot proposal

3 thoughts on “Plot 6: Parkside Building Design – Happen

  1. Ivanov says:

    Its a great step to provide cerusos and training for people who want to improve where they live. it also can be a great motivator! what is next? more support from councilmen/women. public engagement should work hand in hand with government support and well thought out legislation.

  2. Steve says:

    Hi there Ivanov, it’s taken nearly a year and a half to reply… however, We Make Places are seeing this very project through on the edge of Everton! ; take a look:

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