There are lots of places you can hear the We Make Places team and other exciting people talking this month
here's a small list
There are lots of places you can hear the We Make Places team and other exciting people talking this month
here's a small list
Last November one of our team Kate Stewart was chosen as one of 10 UK creatives to go and work with 10 creatives from Rio.
Following this creative lab, the
New Start Magazine recently came to Liverpool and interviewed us as part of their feature on the city. Editor Clare Goff also asked for blog posts from Kate and Toria
Toria has been volunteering down at Newsham Park and she's loved it! Throughout the country, citizens are forming parks groups, find out why
The Turner prize being awarded to Assemble for their work with Granby 4 Streets is timely and welcome news for the importance of ‘place-making’ in our communities. Muriel Gray’s disappointment
We Make Places were invited to speak at the Royal Town Planning Institute (NW) Urban Design Forum which took place at the Racquets Club in Liverpool on September 23rd
Engagement can change people’s lives
We do truly believe that bringing people into the process of design of space changes lives. This is not simply a ‘nice-to-have’ luxury or a
We are delighted to have been invited to take part in House Party 15 - come and join in our
Whatever anyone's impression of the tactics of the Love Activists, they have provided shelter for 50 homeless people, making use of one of Liverpool's vacant buildings. Steve Threlfall explores this
Last week our colleagues at made-here were invited to talk to a group of...